As you come to him, the living Stone--rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him--you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2: 4-5

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hannah loves every single part of school, now that we've gotten over the fear of the computer room. Tonight, she was really, she shouted it to everyone in the do homework. We were given a Student of the Week poster to fill out for her at the beginning of the year. In true Stone fashion, we waited until the last moment to fill it out. OK, OK, OK, we had to get a reminder note from the teacher. But in our defense, she is not student of the week until November 15, so I thought we had some time.

So tonight we broke out the markers, because of course, the cobbler's children are always barefoot, or however that old saying goes...and we had no crayons. She got right to work, thrilled to be having homework like her big sisters.
Working hard...

"This is how you hold your pencil crectly!"

And this is the final product. Can you tell that I let her do it all by herself??? I thought it was sweet when she said that she colored the book brown because that was the color of all the Bibles at church, and that she is happiest when "her sisters played with her."

And...a little odd that if she had one wish it would be that "someone would come and help you reach the apple." Huh???

The teacher in me had to bite my tongue so that I wouldn't teach her how to color in the lines and let her rejoice in the "beautiful job I'm doing!" I will admit that I have questioned her teacher endlessly (oh, yes, I think I am becoming "that" parent) and looked up developmental milestones on Google because I am just a little aghast at her coloring. I know all kids are different. That she is extremely verbal. That she is smart, so smart. That she never liked to color so I didn't make her and so this is really her first exposure. But can I admit that I'm a little worried?
And can I also admit that I used to be worried that she wasn't talking enough?
Enough said.
And then just because she was sitting at the table across from me looking pretty...

1 comment:

  1. Cute! Lucas had a similar page that said "Favorite Subject" - he listed "carpool."
