There was a popular song out a few years ago, by Martina McBride, called "Do It Anyway." And I loved that song. But I love the inspiration for it more. Based on The Paradoxical Commandments by Dr. Kent M. Keith, Mother Theresa has said to have had this printed on the wall of her children's home in Calcutta India.
Do It Anyway
People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and genuine enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you.
Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, people may destroy overnight.
Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some people may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may often be forgotten.
Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.
Do good anyway.
In the final analysis, it was between you and God.
It was never about them anyway.
Pretty much, I try to remember this. Even though I have been deceived in some of the worst ways possible, I continue to trust, to believe, to live life as honestly as I can. I tend to be too nice for my own good, but can't imagine living life any other way. I do tend to care way too much about what people think of me, though, and this is something that I am always actively working on.
In the past month, I have added my own verse to this. ( Not that I, in any way, shape, or form consider myself on par with a Bible scholar or Mother Theresa)
You may think you can't, that you don't have time, that it isn't possible to do it.
Do it anyways.
And not that my weight loss journey is in any way significant to anyone else but me, but I have totally applied this last one, and a few of the others, to my life this last month. I have said before that I don't have time to exercise. That I can't fit it in. That it would take away from my family, my school work, my work at home. So I prayed about it. Because I knew that even if I couldn't juggle everything in my life and make time for me, that God could. God will always make a way. And he did.
As it turns out, we have a gym at school that you can join for $25. And that's for a life time, not per month. And in that gym, they do have the treadmill, which I can't walk on because of the plantar's fascitis, but they also have a recumbant bike, an elliptical, and a rowing machine, which I can use, pain free.
And so every day, after tutoring, or help class, or the rare day where I don't have either, I have been working out for an hour while the girls have cheer practice. And when they don't have practice, I have been making them go to afterschool, much to their dismay, until I am finished. Even though it means I have to take work home with me. Even though it makes me hot and sweaty and stinky and gross. (oh how I hate this, and now all my co-workers have had the privelege of enjoying this sight too) Even though my arms ache for Charlotte and my lap for Hannah. Even though others say, "I just can't leave my kids for one second longer than I have to," or "I just don't think it is fair to my family to have to work once I get home," and the mommy guilt threatens to eat me up. Even though it means my classroom gets less attention and my body gets more. But do you know what? I did it anyway. And on the weekends, I went to the park and walked while the big girls watched and played with the little girls.
And not only has it done my body good, but my mind, my heart, my spirit as well. It has been a wonderful time to clear my mind, to think, to brainstorm, to pray. A time where no one bothers me, talks to me, needs me, or wants me. (Except on the weekends, when we're at the park, and well...I guess that just isn't going to change. Someone always ends up running alongside me voicing their complaint, concern, suggestion, etc.) And, it gave me just the push I needed.
Tomorrow is weigh in day. And if today's sneak peak at the scale is any indication, tomorrow each and every one of those 72 pounds that I gained when I was pregnant with Charlotte will be gone, plus some. Then it will be on to the 40 or so I was working on when I got pregnant with her to begin with. And even though I would prefer chocolate cake to fresh fruit, hamburgers to grilled chicken, french fries to vegetables, and a good book to exercising, I will make the right choices. Even though I don't want to, I will do it anyway.
Wow Lisa- awesome! Thanks for posting-I really needed to hear that. I like your additional verse as well (may need to "steal" it for my fb motivating notes-will credit you-lol!) I'm back in school to teach and volunteering way too much but what I need to do somehow always gets done even if what I want to do doesn't!