As you come to him, the living Stone--rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him--you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2: 4-5

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

More Gifts

Today's the kind of day where it's hard to look and see the gifts.  Warm bed, good dreams, annoying alarm clock. Sinus headache. Crazy kids cooped up after two days of rain. Late day at work.  Hard hard workout.  Messes everywhere.  But still...I counted.  Kept a piece of paper on my desk.

38. “I love you” whispered in my ear at the lunch table

39. A love note handed to me by a wild and wooly child in my class as I was scolding him for crawling under my desk. “What are you doing, Luke? Get out from under my desk and pay attention.” “I was just making you this note.”

40. An unexpected hug from a student

41. A quote on someone’s wall on Facebook

42. A daughter who isn’t afraid to ask the hard, and embarrassing questions

43. A dream that sticks with me all day

44. A long hot shower

45. A sweet email from my sister

46. Sharing birth stories with friends, and for the first time not wanting to do it again

47. A size large

48. Having dinner ready when we got home (thank you Daryl!)


  1. Good for you for continuing to look on the bright side :) Not easy on these kind of days. Cute story about the boy under your desk - gotta LOVE 1st graders!! :0)

    Hope the rest of your week is less eventful and a little more restFUL!

  2. This was taken from my facebook page, turned pink, and my website was cut off.

    I wrote the text, it’s from one of my upcoming books. I also created the graphic and bought the artwork for use.

    Can you please remove this and replace it with the original? Thank you
