As you come to him, the living Stone--rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him--you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2: 4-5

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The First of the Lasts

And so it begins....the first of the lasts of Josh's high school career. Sniff sniff. Sigh. It's inevitable, I know, but still. It feels so, I don't

Tonight was the end of the season cross country banquet at school. I didn't make it to his last cross country meet, and I regret that. The last meet I made it to was the night before I had Charlotte. Anyways...the banquet was tonight. It was, as cross country seems to be, totally and completely laid back and casual. They had black and white pictures taken throughout the season scattered on all the tables. We found three of Josh on our table and brought them home.

Here's Josh and his certificate. I wasn't fast enough with the camera to get him actually getting it, but you get the idea.
And here he is with the other seniors on the team--Cameron (his screamo music buddy), Luke Cathy (of Chick Fil A fame), Chris Mench, and Luke Baker (1st place in state).

Charlotte was the only one to come with us to the banquet. At $15 a person, our family is officially too big for all of us to go. The big girls and Hannah went home with Nanny and PawPaw and Charlotte hung out with us. We caught her sweet smile this sweet!

Do you not just want to eat her up???? Speaking of eating....
In the diet news...Monday is weigh in day for me, and as of today (weigh in #1), I am down six pounds. Pretty good, I'd say. Also went to the doctor for a fasting blood test and a blood pressure recheck. She was happy with my numbers and I don't have to go back for three months. Good news!
Long long loooonnnnnggggg day, but in the end, a good one. Looking back on tonight, I am wishing that in the last four years I would have spent less time stressing over the busyness of my life and more time enjoying the time with my family, even if it was in the car, at the ballpark, wrestling meet, cheer competition, etc. Hindsight is 20/20.

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