As you come to him, the living Stone--rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him--you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2: 4-5

Saturday, February 20, 2010

**The waiting is the hardest part...

We've had a great winter break. It started early with an unexpected snow day. We've had little to do but lounge around, and except for Daryl and Hannah being sick, it's been restful. But something has been baby boy, who is so not a baby, and who has been in Jamaica for a week on a mission trip. He comes back tonight around midnight, but we've been so excited for the last two days.

A little over excited, over stimulated, even. You know, living with a three year old is a bit like living with Sybil anyways. It's "Mommy, I love you" one minute and "I am wiping off your kisses!" the next. But she took it up a notch on Thursday. It all started....
with this:

As far as messes go, so not a big deal. She finished playing and then was lured away by the sound of Sarah and me playing with Charlotte on the floor beside her.
All it took were a simple sentence: "No, we can't play anything else until you pick up the game."
And she was toast. In the time it took to take the lenscap off the camera, I missed the rolling on the floor and the sobbing pleas of a sore throat.
She eventually got over you can see. And surprise, more sore throat!

She's also spent some time this week making other sand cakes--which looks quite lovely below, but after smashing your hand in it repeatedly, not so much.

And then there was the big, 4 hour, cake icing mess. Daryl was making Josh a birthday cake, and Hannah just couldn't stop herself. No really. Her exact words were, "This is so yummy. I love it. I just can't stop myself!"

The black was washed off and replaced by a Spider Man blue mustache--the removal of which was the impetus for yet another three year old "fit."
Her sister, however, has been much less moody. She has enjoyed "feeding" herself...
but wasn't so sure about the shark hat.

It's back to work on Monday, and to that, I can only let Charlotte do the "talking" for me...

Yeah, that about sums it up.
On the plus side, only three hours and fifteen minutes until Josh is home. We can't wait!
**Post title credit--Tom Petty

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