As you come to him, the living Stone--rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him--you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2: 4-5

Monday, June 15, 2009

It's A Slug's Life...

No, that's not a typo...just a play on the movie a Bug's Life. This is what I feel like these days. A total and complete slug.

7:00 am/ish--get up when Hannah crawls in bed after declaring she has to go "tee tee."

7:15-8:00--feed Hannah and myself, play on the computer...try to wake up.

8:00-11:00-- play with Hannah/do housework and laundry in 15 minute intervals

11:00-12:00-- clean up kitchen, make lunch, feed Hannah and me

12:00-1:30 -- outside slug time--swimming, looking for rocks, blowing bubbles, picking flowers, while me?

1:30-2:00 -- prepare for nap (see previous post :) )

2:00-4:00 -- Hannah's naptime/ my - naptime or reading time

4:00-6:00 -- play with Hannah/ prepare dinner

6:00-6:30 -- dinner

6:30-7:00 --clean up dinner

7:00-10:00 sit on couch, watch tv, play with Hannah from chair

10:00 bed time

10:00-5:00 sleep/try to sleep/get up for bathroom/ try to sleep/ sleep/ get up for bathroom etc.

5:00 - 7:00 Lay awake and fret over not being able to sleep/ read/ sleep maybe

repeat every day for the last 3 weeks.

I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bored! I've read 10 books, watched every TV show known to man, surfed the Net way too much, and tried to sleep unsuccessfully for more hours than I thought possible. Did I mention getting fat, too? Constant hunger + constant inactivity = not a pretty sight. Fingers crossed that at my appointment on Thursday, she says..."Do what you feel comfortable with." BUT....I will admit...I do feel so so so much better than I felt three weeks ago. I really don't think that this baby is coming any time soon. but I will listen to the doctor!

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