As you come to him, the living Stone--rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him--you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2: 4-5

Friday, February 20, 2009

My baby is home!!!!!!

After an hour delay and what seemed like forever to get through customs, the Jamaica mission team--with Josh, of course--made it to us about 10:30 pm. It was so good to see him and to have our family back together!

We got to the airport at about 8:15. Their plane was supposed to land at 8:30 and I like to be there when he lands. As it turned out, his plane didn't land until we had some time to wait. Here's Sarah, Maddy, and Maranda waiting patiently.
Along the outside of the Atrium were all sorts of restaurants, and one featured a piano bar. Hannah loved this and spent a good deal of her time watching him play. He even played "Jesus Loves Me," "Mary Had a Little Lamb," and the theme from Sesame Street for her.
And here is my baby boy--who seems much more man than boy these days. He's weary and hungry, sunburned and with a broken toe, but what a wonderful sight!
Daryl and I were joking on the way to the airport...who would Josh call first when he got on the ground? Us or Maranda? Who would he hug first, his momma or Maranda? Well....Maranda left her phone in our car, so we are saying that he called us first (and if he didn't...we choose to be blissfully unaware!) As for the hug part, as soon as Maranda saw him, she leaped over the barricades, knocking over a security guard to get to him. So yeah,...she won that one :). I got a hug...the very last one, too, I must say. But I"ll take it.

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